The Place I Know

Deserted beach at Raudarsandur, Westfjords

Insignificant in the landscape

The Iceland that I have got to know is composed of a wonderful collection of places, people and specific treasured experiences. I’ve been so fortunate to have seen many of Iceland’s little known and secret spaces, and to have shared some of these with friends and fellow travellers over the years. My sense of feeling completely insignificant as a human being in a giant Icelandic landscape may be due to my roots as a geographer and my connection to nature, or maybe not!


Iceberg at Jokulsarlon glacial lagoon


Elements of nature

Either way, during my earliest visits it was the power of waterfalls, the ferocity of the sea and the strength of the wind that struck me most. As I ventured further into and around the country, I discovered huge lava fields, vast and silent ice caps and enormous expanses of barren grey desert. Over the years, I have been fortunate to experience so many wild, beautiful, and often inhospitable places, created both gently and catastrophically by earth’s natural forces. So to illustrate some of the places I know, my gallery is here. It’s hard to portray scale, but I hope these provide a flavour. People and experiences will follow in due course. sport. Paddling pools and water slides are always an extra feature making outdoor shining is a popular family pursuit.


Dettifoss waterfall, North Iceland


2011: First circumnavigation


Iceland’s Inner Boiler